As the 2024 UK General Election approaches on Thursday, July 4th, 2024, it’s crucial for eligible voters to ensure they’re registered at their relevant address by the deadline of Tuesday, June 18th, 2024.

You have the option to register to vote at both your out-of-term time address (such as your parent or carer’s home) and your student term-time address. However, you can only vote from one registered location, so you have the freedom to choose which one you prefer.

It’s essential to remember to register your term-time address as the address where you’ll be living on July 4th, as this may differ from your current address.

Why your vote matters

Voting is the foundation of democracy. It allows people to participate directly in the decision-making process and choose their representatives who will make policies affecting every aspect of life.

Your Vote, Your Future: The outcome of the general election will directly impact the future of our country. From healthcare and education to the economy and the environment, the policies implemented by the government will shape the landscape of our nation for years to come. By voting, you have a say in shaping the future you want to see for yourself, your family, and your community.

You can register to vote if:

  • You are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a Commonwealth country with leave to remain in the UK.
  • You are 18 or over on the day of the election.
  • You are a resident at an address in the UK or a UK citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK within the last 15 years.

To register to vote, head to the Government website – it only takes 5 minutes. It is important to remember to register your term-time address as the place you will be living on 4th July – this may be different to your current address.

You will also be required to provide a valid photo ID to be able to vote in the general election. If you do not have a valid photo ID you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate that can be used instead of photo ID.