Refund Policy
Refund Policy
AIM: to ensure there is a clear process in place for ensuring customers are refunded monies they are owed
OBJECTIVE: to allow all members of the team to understand their duties when refunding monies owed to clients
This Policy sets out the arrangements for client refunds at Graysons Properties. It describes the responsibilities of Graysons Properties and the Employee in making sure clients are refunded any monies owed to them. Any queries about the policy should be directed to Ricky Sehgal. Where Employees are requested to write to the company, letters should be addressed to Ricky Sehgal at Graysons Properties, Newcastle Business park, West One, Asama Ct, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7YD.
Graysons Properties understands the need for client refund management. This document sets out our Policy for ensuring refunds are made swiftly and all members of the Graysons Properties team must comply with these safeguards as part of their contract of employment/contract for services with Graysons Properties.
We aim to provide the highest quality of services to our clients. Occasionally, clients may require refunds for the services we have provided.
All refunds are issued at the discretion of the Landlord and Graysons Properties Directors. Terms and conditions for each refund will be negotiated with each individual.
We therefore allow the following reasons for refunds [but all must be authorised by directors before refund is given]:
- Rent refund if the tenant will be present during property improvement works [at the discretion of the landlord]
- Early release from contract, providing the account is in credit and a suitable replacement tenant has been found and the replacement tenant’s account is up to date [initial payments made]
- Management fee if Graysons Properties fail to deliver the full contracted service to the landlord
- When a refund for rent is requested, it must be discussed with the landlord to ensure their consent is obtained; rental refunds are a loss of income to the landlord. Once permission from the landlord has been obtained, it is essential to liaise with the Directors before issuing any refund. Refunds have financial management implications which need to be recorded accordingly.
When a refund for services is requested, it must be discussed with the Directors to ensure their consent has been obtained. Administration refunds are a loss of income to Graysons Properties.
Refunds have financial management implications which need to be recorded accordingly.
Once a refund has been agreed by the appropriate parties, it will be returned via the original payment method within 28 days of the initial request.